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The muffler is the core component of the exhaust system of a vehicle that directly impacts the performance. Any leak or damage to the exhaust can result in poor and imbalanced performance as it may increase emissions of the Co2 and other toxic gases. If these are not detected on time, the situation may worsen. Tornado brings you specialized exhaust and muffler repair services. Our seasoned mechanics have years of experience in evaluating the damage to any specific part of the exhaust. Our services start with a basic audit and lead to in-depth analysis and repairs. You may get detailed repairs for exhaust parts.
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Car Repair Solutions
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Driving a vehicle with a broken or malfunctioning muffler or exhaust is dangerous. If you continue to ignore muffler damages, it leads to exhaust leakage, which is itself a safety threat. The leakage may introduce carbon monoxide to your cabin thus creating discomfort for you and the passengers. You need to consider repairs if the muffler is leaking, the exhaust system is producing bad odor, or you it is producing loud noise while driving the car. Keep checking at the fuel average of your car as well because fuel inefficiency also gives a clue about malfunctioning muffler and exhaust. When find any of the sign, you need to repair it at the earliest by our qualified and well-trained mechanics. Here are the signs that indicate your muffler needs repair or replacement.
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